Scout Info Page
Troop 270 General Rules
Be on time for meetings
Wear your Boy Scout Uniform properly
Bring your Boy Scout Handbook
Bring Canteen & Pocketknife
Do a good turn every day and live by the Scout Oath and Law
Merit Badges - about merit badges/Scout patches and how it works.
Rank Advancement Rank Descriptions and requirements
How to advance:
1. Read your Scout book, record everything in your Scout book.
2. Complete activities on your on or with your Patrol.
3. Have a Star Scout or higher sign off on your completed items.
4. All requires for rank complete? Ask for Scoutmaster conference and ask Committee chair for board of review.
Cold weather camping article and checklist
Backpacking Checklist - take only what you think you need, we're all different. You want a light bag but still prepared.
Buying food for your Patrol guide
Animated Knots - Learn or Re-Learn all of your required Knots.
Boy Scout Knots - all the ones you will ever need.
BSA Fieldbook - Companion to the BSA Fieldbook.
Scout Camp Songs - Popular Camp Songs from around the Country.
How to Use a Compass - A Useful guide to Orienteering.
Documents - See the documents page for all forms:
Outdoor checklist (10 essentials plus some)